Remote Corporate Training? 5 Ways to Make It Count

Corporate training is an integral part of every company’s culture and success. This is especially true now that businesses all over the world are forced to adapt to the coronavirus era. That said, reaching out to your employees and feeding them knowledge after knowledge isn’t the easiest thing to do. Right now, you could be a mix of in-office and remote workers, struggling to even achieve a sense of normalcy in your day-to-day operations due to the pandemic.

If you’re eager to retrain everybody not only to adapt to the new normal but also to grow in their respective jobs in spite of current challenges, then changes must be made in your training method. You can kick-start a new and improved approach by incorporating these five tips:

Mix & Match Technology

There’s a misunderstanding that you have to find one virtual workspace and stick to it. This is simply not effective, since different teams have different working methods and requirements. The same applies when you’re picking a platform to introduce your new policies or get them on a new training course. There are plenty of free and paid software that is better suited to achieve your goals, may it be to improve everyone’s business correspondence skills or to upgrade certain skillsets. Don’t be afraid to try whatever is available that will deliver the best convenience for you and your employees.

In case you can’t find any or you’re having long-term financial issues because of it, consider having yours customized by a professional. Custom software development might be what you need to simplify your entire training approach, make it more affordable, and ensure its efficiency.

Focus on Microlearning

Microlearning is simply a method that entails breaking down a huge chunk of information into bite-sized pieces for faster and easier comprehension. This is another consideration you have to make when mixing and matching technology for your training. Which platform enables you to disseminate information in manageable chunks so that your employees don’t feel overwhelmed? Limiting the knowledge you feed them per training session caters to their busy schedule and ability to understand and retain them.

That said, you have to identify which courses are actually suitable for microlearning. You’ll find that not everything can be efficiently taught through it, but that it’s a great solution for certain courses and situations.

Make It Mobile-Friendly

Accessibility today means making it mobile-friendly. This makes it easier for working mothers to review a course while cooking dinner, and for fathers to view a recorded training session while waiting in line in the supermarket. Your employees need options that enable them to either multitask or do their work without being glued to their seats. It also makes the entire training less formal, which may be exactly what they need to avoid stress and retain a satisfactory performance.

Make It On-Demand

There s nothing that hurts corporate training more than scheduling difficulties. By now you should know that your employees have established individual work routines from home, even if they all clock in at 9 and clock out at 5. Depending on their workloads and deadlines, it’s understandable when not everybody is available to attend certain training. This is what makes it crucial that you make each course on-demand. This lightens the burden on everyone and gives them the privilege of attending training when they can.

Another perk is that they’ll be able to process the information better. The time and date they choose to access the training is when they’re most likely ready to absorb new information. Just make sure to include guidelines and deadlines so that you can progress with the training at the same pace.

Identify Individual & Group Training Demands

It’s important to know when training can be done solo and when they have to be accomplished as a group. Since your employees know that you only organize group training when it’s completely necessary, they’ll feel more compelled to make time for it and adjust their workload. This also puts you in a better position as their employer to be strategic about managing their performance and growth.

Maybe there are seminars that you insisted they learn as a group, when in fact they’re better off doing it individually. Perhaps there are courses that warrant group participation for better engagement and comprehension that you’ve designed for individual learning. Assessing each course and labeling them appropriately will make your entire corporate training approach more effective and productive.

Simply providing corporate training is not enough to benefit your company and your employees. You have to make each one count by using the right mix of technology, making them simpler to digest, providing mobile and on-demand options, and designing them for either individual and group learning. The better the training you provide, the faster your company will grow and achieve success.

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