The Power of Web Design and Its Effects on Consumer Behaviour

In today’s digital age, a website for your business is a necessity. Having a website means that you’re open 24/7 and your customers can purchase your products anytime, anywhere.

However, having a website alone is not enough to gain potential customers and boost sales.Web design in the UK, whether it be Croydon, West London, or the northern coast of Scotland is an important aspect of any business’s overall appeal. This is because the design of a website influences the decision of consumers when purchasing products. A study conducted by Stanford shows that people quickly evaluate a site based on visual design alone. If your website doesn’t appeal to them, it’s likely they won’t buy whatever you’re offering.

If you want to turn visitors to regular customers, find out how your website’s design affects their decision.

Ease of Navigating the Site

Customers have what’s known as a mental model, or what it’s like to shop in a physical store. In a physical store, they know that they can browse through the items, ask for advice from salespeople and hold the object before they go to the checkout counter. Of course, they can’t do any of these on a website, but they want something as close to the experience as possible.

The trick is creating an experience through the interface that matches your customers’ mental models. You build an online representation of their real shopping experience. They are likely to purchase from your business if they can navigate the site easily, reserve items they like, and check out using different payment methods.

Usage of colours and typography

Website shown in different devicesThe colours you use play a key role in the decisions of consumers. This is because different colours tell different stories. The colours you choose for your website can evoke feelings of trust, urgency, security and much more. For example, warm colours like orange and yellow are appealing to impulsive buyers who respond to perceived urgency. On the other hand, cool colours like light blue and pink appeal to budget-conscious shoppers who weigh the pros and cons before purchasing.

You may also opt for white spaces or portions of your web page to be left blank. White spaces are effective in making navigation easier for users. They decrease the clutter of a website, so it’s optimised to guide the user’s attention to the products.

Typography also plays a major role in the appeal of your website. The font styles that you use depend on the branding of your company and the type of products that you sell. Some font styles are more feminine, while others are more fun and quirky. Also, smaller fonts may look nice on the over-all web layout, but may be hard for other customers to read. Proper spacing also makes words more legible, especially when you use fancy font styles.

The Power of Copywriting

Words have a great deal of influence on the purchasing decisions of your customers. Good copywriting makes visitors understand what you’re offering and how to purchase them. Effective copy also reflects your buyers’ interests and desires. It captivates their interest and creates a sense of urgency for them to buy your products.

More consumers have become part of the Internet population. Having a website that’s accessible 24/7 is advantageous, but it doesn’t stop there. Your website’s design influences the ‘yea or nay’ decision of your customers, so invest in your site’s layout and interface. It will increase your business’s overall appeal. Great designs leave a lasting impression on new and potential customers.

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