Best Practices to Prevent Small Business Security Breaches

Cybersecurity is an issue that small business owners should be concerned about amid the growing number of incidents of hackers targeting small enterprises. The problem can cause trouble for the victims and could spell huge losses in information retrieval efforts, fines, and damage claim settlements. It is, therefore, important to have a robust online security system in place to protect you and your stakeholders and partners’ interests.

Whether you are handling your IT data in-house or you use IT consulting services in New Jersey, it is important to observe several practices in your company to help prevent costly breaches. Here are some of best things you can do:

Educate Your Employees

Employees should understand the importance of protecting their information and that of the company. Instill a mindset that everyone in the company has an important role in IT security. Make them realize that they are responsible for all the information they collect, handle, or process. Teach them how to store and protect highly important data, as well as destroy information properly.
The leading way hackers gain access to small business networks is through emails. That said, the company should provide training for employees so that they can recognize suspicious emails with malicious attachments and phishing attacks. Tell them not to open emails with malicious subject lines and those that contain questionable links.

Signing up for a promotion or website that is unfamiliar can also be dangerous to your IT network. Hackers may put malware in those emails, so they can access your database and steal valuable information.

Update and Back Up Regularly

Woman in glasses using her laptopPerform regular backups and keep the systems in your network updated. Many dangerous malware attacks take advantage of software vulnerabilities in common applications, such as browsers and operating systems. Software updates can help prevent these attacks because they usually include critical patches to security loopholes. These updates may also improve the stability of the software, as well as include new or enhanced features.

Having backups of your data is important so that you can retrieve information in case of a cyber-attack. This way, you can avoid potential losses and protect your bottom line.

Encrypt or Password-Protect Everything

Laptops, phones, and desktop computers should be password protected. Small business owners should also require their current employees to change their passwords periodically and when there are employees leaving the company.

Security experts said one of the biggest security blind spots in businesses is former employees. Once an employee leaves for whatever reason, all passwords need to be changed. Ensure that they do not download any confidential information on their way out of the door.

Security issues can have costly consequences to small businesses, but educating your employees about the importance of protecting your company’s IT data, protecting your devices and systems from potential breaches, and updating your software and systems regularly can keep your company safe from potential security risks. Work with a company that provides robust IT support and maintenance services, so you can gain peace of mind knowing that your network and valuable information is protected.

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