Ensuring the Security of Sensitive Information

Even as companies adapted to changes due to the health crisis, the authorities noted an increase in cyberattacks. The increase comes as cybercriminals shifted their focus to big companies that offered remote work arrangements for their staff.

The situation highlighted the importance of cybersecurity to prevent the theft of sensitive information. A security breach will result in identity theft or fraud. It also opens companies to lawsuits if they do not implement safety measures to prevent cybercrime.

Companies that store sensitive information should take steps to ensure the protection of their clients’ data. Here are some measures that companies should implement to prevent unauthorized access to their clients’ sensitive information.

Evaluate Access to Files and Documents

Companies should make sure sensitive files and documents are only available to authorized personnel. They should evaluate the information and decide who should receive access to them. They should also review all the files and documents on their server to see how sensitive they are.

Companies should also check for security issues within their system. Aside from their central server, companies should also check work and home computers, laptops, disks, flash drives, and other equipment that store information.

Taking stock of all equipment allows companies to trace the flow of information within the system. It also allows them to check who has access to sensitive information. Once they have a list of persons who have access to the data, they should ensure these employees are aware of ensuring they do not leak the information to anyone unauthorized.

Strengthen System Security


Companies should also focus on strengthening their system to prevent access by unauthorized people. Performing threat modeling allows the company to check for vulnerabilities in its system. Aside from identifying vulnerabilities in the system, threat modeling also allows companies to identify their securing requirements and quantify potential threats to the system. It also allows them to deal with these security threats.

Aside from the system, companies should also evaluate individual applications to check if cybercriminals can use them to access the system. And since it’s challenging to share data securely, companies should encrypt sensitive information while in storage and transit. This reduces the risk of unauthorized persons accessing the data in case they intercept it.

Companies should also conduct regular audits of their systems to check for problem areas. Penetration testing or ethical hacking also allows businesses to find vulnerabilities in their system. These measures are essential for financial companies that work with the personal and bank information of their clients.

But working with companies offering secure client onboarding for wealth management allows financial institutions and insurance companies to protect their clients’ data. Since these companies use a premium security system, it ensures the protection of the files and documents containing sensitive information about their clients.

Implement Unique Viewing Session Measures

With many companies using cloud-based systems, it becomes challenging to limit access to sensitive files online. Once a person gains access to the files, the person retains access unless the company changes it.

Many companies do not monitor access privileges, which opens a security vulnerability within the system. It also takes a lot of work to manually change access to the files if the company has thousands of employees.

To deal with this situation, companies should create unique viewing sessions for their employees. With this, there is a time limit to the access of employees to sensitive files and documents. After reaching the time limit, it prevents the employee from accessing the files and documents. The company can add another unique session in case the employee needs to access the files again.

Secure the Network

Securing the company network is also vital to protect sensitive information. To accomplish this, the company should implement a host of measures across the network. They should identify all connections to the computer that stores sensitive data. Aside from computers in the office, companies should also check the home computers of remote workers. Companies should evaluate the vulnerability of these connections.

Companies should also avoid storing sensitive information on com putters that are not essential for their businesses. They should also make sure to update their anti-spyware and anti-virus software regularly. They should get updates from the websites of the software vendors to prevent downloading Trojans.

Scanning computers in the network every day reduces the risk of viruses infecting the network. They should also implement a policy preventing employees from downloading software that the company does not approve. If the company finds programs that it does not use, it should disable and remove them from the network.

The increasing online activities highlighted the importance of increasing the security of computer networks of companies across the country. Take the necessary measures to ensure your network is safe.

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