Ethical and Environmental: How to be a Company with a Purpose

While access to cheap mass-manufactured products is easier than ever, more people in the United States and around the world are becoming more aware of where their purchases are coming from and how it has impacted/will impact the planet. An ethical and sustainable company is trusted by conscious consumers. It is a status symbol that might give you an edge against competitors.

How do you make your business ethical and sustainable? Find out below.

Manufacture Locally

Nowadays, companies look to China and other countries in Asia to produce their products at an extremely low cost. However, these factories are also associated with slave labor. Many are forced to work for long hours with little pay and under unsafe conditions.

While it is cheaper to outsource manufacturing from a foreign country, it is better to partner with a local supplier for your company’s needs. Whether you are looking for PCB prototype and assembly or organic clothing producers, there are businesses across the nation that adhere to the same strict standards that you do.

Local suppliers and manufacturers have to follow labor laws so you can be assured that you do not indirectly support businesses that abuse their workers. You also will get the opportunity to visit the factory anytime you want to check that it does not violate any regulations.

Humans and Machine Working Together

If you have the option and a bigger budget, you should look into automation. Although some may have their doubts over automation, it has several advantages that can contribute to making your company ethical and sustainable. For one, machines can more efficiently use materials and decrease tangible waste. Reducing manufacturing time is another major benefit.

Fully automating your production does not mean you have to let go of workers from your assembly line. Instead, automation creates jobs because machines need humans to run and maintain them. You do not eliminate the need for workers, but make their tasks easier.

Go Zero-Waste

The zero-waste lifestyle does not only apply to individuals. Companies contribute to pollution in a major way. From the use of electricity in offices to physical wastes generated by manufacturing plants, many companies have negative impacts on the environment.

It will be difficult to reduce and completely eliminate the trash you produce, but it is possible. Figure out ways to maximize the use and reuse of materials in manufacturing and then recycle everything else. Nothing should go to the landfill where anything, including organic waste, will take an eternity to degrade.

Becoming a B Corp

ceo discussing corporate sustainability

A “B Corp” is a label given to companies that seek to make a positive impact on the environment and their community. These companies do not just think of how to make more money, but they also care about the well-being of their workers and the planet. Becoming a B Corp is an endorsement that your company, like many consumers, is socially and environmentally conscious.

There are other ways you can turn your company into an ethical and environmental venture. It will not be easy. You have to make many sacrifices, some of which will include losing a bit of money in order to choose options that are beneficial to your workforce and kinder to the environment. However, it is also one of the greatest business decisions you will ever make.

Previous studies have revealed that consumers are more likely to support companies that have a clear social purpose. In the long-term, becoming an ethical and environmental company might just be your key to success.

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