The Ever-Evolving Industry of Marketing

Marketing is an inherently social industry. It’s driven by social norms, trends, and what people in society pay attention to. Because of this, it’s an ever-evolving, ever-changing industry that requires professionals and participants to be always on their toes.

As we enter the third decade of the 21st century, more social norms are being changed. And with the integration of technology in our daily lives, changes are becoming drastic by the day. Here are some of the constantly changing trends every marketer needs to know:

Blocking the Ad Blockers

If there’s one thing that many advertisers hate dealing with, it’s ad blockers. Ad blockers are software extensions that block out any advertising materials for the end-user. Overcoming this has been a common struggle, but is often mitigated through the clever use of engaging content. Creating ads that aren’t simple pop-ups or banner ads can be difficult, but a material that both promotes a product and engages an audience isn’t impossible.

We’re beginning to see the evolution of marketing through virality effects, meme adverts, and a lot more. Ultimately, it’s making people feel something that matters, and not forcing them to observe your ads through pop-ups.

Health and Sustainability in the Forefront

In the industry of food service, the marketing trends have merged the formerly warring thoughts of “flavor” and “health”, even adding sustainability to the mix. Vegan options, fruit-based diet, and berry-based goji and acai bowl business establishments populate physical and online ad space, touting their products’ health benefits, delicious flavor, and sustainability to both the environment and farmers.

While this is more prominent in the foodservice industry, it’s not uncommon to see non-food-related businesses advertise their products as being healthy or sustainable with less impact on the environment. This addresses the market’s concerns with environmental causes, as climate change is rapidly accelerating, forcing even companies to take a stand.

marketing strategy

Surveys, Contests, Psychometrics, and Other Interactive Content

Engagement is everything to the modern marketer. They’re not just looking for people who “see” their ads, but they need people to engage with their material. This is achieved through a wide variety of interactive content that not only engages clients but also provides important data and feedback to companies.

Psychometric tests comparing you to Disney or anime characters, surveys talking about your favorite food, and even contests giving away prized products are among the most popular ways to create interactive content. This connects with the intended audience in a more organic way, as it personalizes the users’ experience.

More Specific Target Segments

No self-respecting business will create a generalized marketing campaign that targets everyone imaginable, or at least very few businesses do that now. We live in an era with rather defined cultural segments, each with its own unique set of traits and characteristics. For marketers, it’s better to be more specific and target-oriented when it comes to reaching out to their audience. And it’s not just a matter of defining their age, gender, and financial capacity anymore.

Now, it can even be narrowed down to interests (as evidenced by the fast-growing “geek industry”), age and nostalgic preference, and even cultural identification. Segmenting demographics remains the best way to run an efficient and cost-effective marketing campaign, and with more people focusing on their interests now, that seems like the right choice.

Geotagging Your Ads

The internet has a wide reach, and with haphazard digital advertising, you might end up in a situation where your campaign materials reach people in a location you’re not intending to target. This can be particularly problematic if you’re running a campaign for a local business but faraway cities are the ones receiving the ads.

Fortunately, geotargeted advertising enables businesses to localize their marketing materials. It focuses the message to consumers based in their local area thus increasing the chance of turning leads into paying customers.

But Traditional Marketing is Still Effective

Despite the seeming emphasis on digital marketing, it’s easy to assume that traditional marketing methods are no longer effective. But the opposite is actually true, traditional marketing has a new and profound effect on people- provided it’s through the appropriate methods. Take direct mail advertising.

What was once considered spam or trash is now a very effective way to advertise products and services. After all, not many people check their mail often, and neither do they receive physical mail. Receiving direct mail often piques people’s interest, creating better connections and higher actual contact ratings.

The changes in the field of marketing are far from over. Within the next few years, we’re bound to see more drastic and extreme changes. What’s important is we’re able to acknowledge the change and adjust to them.

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