How to Fortify Your Small Business’ Security Efforts with Help from Customers

Security programs that are crowd-sourced promote transparency. They basically make companies and customers partners, allowing customers to really feel that companies value their feedback.

And while it takes real courage to admit that the network security and all the other security protocols of your small business might not be 100% perfect, doing so could provide great rewards.

The Importance of Customer Input on Security

Not all companies have the necessary resources to hire professional hackers and security teams, but even if they do, they shouldn’t discount the benefits of customer feedback regarding security. After all, getting real customer feedback will offer you valuable insight into what they need.

But even if bounty programs are not for you, there are many different ways to obtain customer feedback about your security measures. Constructive criticism drives growth, plus when you get assessments and feedback from your target customers, they are even more helpful and valuable. But how can you encourage customers to give you feedback on your company’s security efforts?

Request Feedback from Relevant Sources

Customers stand to lose the most from poor security measures so they might be willing to help you bolster your security for the good of everyone. Reach out to your customers through SMS, email, social media, or even through a live chat on your website.

But keep in mind that there are other relevant sources out there that can offer valuable input on your security practices. For instance, if someone from a partner vendor sees that the email messages you’re sending aren’t encrypted and tells you about it, do something about it. Making your security efforts, a team endeavor could even help strengthen your network of partners.

Leverage Low-Cost Security Solutions

Your customers will be more eager to provide helpful feedback if they’re aware of how your company is taking steps to ensure their data’s safety. Even if your security budget is tight, there are a plethora of very affordable, even free security solutions out there so not having at least the most basic security measures in place is really inexcusable.

With that said, be transparent with your customers and make sure that they exactly know how your company safeguards their data.

Make Sure to Reward Your Customers

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Rewards don’t necessarily have to be monetary. Usually, just saying a heartfelt thank you to a customer that gives you feedback could go a long way toward ensuring that the customer feels important and appreciated.

Keep in mind that people are different — some might respond positively to being acknowledged, while some might respond more positively to discount offers. You could even amp up your acknowledgment efforts by mentioning your customer, with their permission, of course, in your newsletter or social media.

Basically, show them how you value them as thinking individuals, not just for the money they send your way, and they’ll become true ambassadors of your brand.

The resources you’ll need to invest in urging your customers and other relevant individuals to speak up about your security efforts and make certain that you’re providing security is undoubtedly less than what it would cost your company in the event of a data breach.

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