Technology Transition Tips: New Business Software Implementation

When a company doubles its size and operations, it makes it harder for companies to manage and keep track of all aspects of their business manually. This is why business software has become an integral tool in facilitating and optimizing company growth and expansion. The technology that a company uses should be appropriate for its scale, and the business software and/or platform that you’ve used from the inception of your company may no longer be optimal for the current size of your company. Implementing the right business software and platform won’t only allow you to manage your company better, but it can help streamline operations and even improve cyber-security.

The Difficulties of Transition

However, you have to be aware that, as with any major changes in a company,the transition towards new and better business software can be as difficult and stressful as it is beneficial. Failing to ensure a smooth transition can hinder business operations, stress out staff and managers, and can result in the company losing profit. It may also result in security vulnerabilities that would make your business more vulnerable to cybersecurity threats that can be very harmful to the company.

#1 Know What You Need

While it’s tempting to choose among the top 3 best-reviewed business software and platform, it’s important to know what your company needs. Purchasing and implementing an expensive and feature-loaded software or platform that offers multiple functionalities that your company would barely use can be a huge waste of resources — in other words, don’t buy an entire toolbox when the only thing you’ll ever need is a screwdriver and a hammer. That said, it’s best to have a needs analysis for your company and make a list of what your new business software needs to be capable of doing.

#2 On Choosing the Right Software/Platform

a man using technology at work

Once you’ve identified what you need in your new business software/platform, it’s going to be a lot easier to narrow down your search. However, you’ll be surprised that there’d still be a lot of software/platforms out there that fit the bill. So, among the hundreds of options, how do you choose? First off, narrow down your search to well-reviewed, certified, and trusted software/platform and software developers. Next, contact and have them consult your business.

In some cases, they’d refer you to accredited implementation providers — these are companies certified by the software developers to implement the software. For example, if you opt to choose ServiceNow’s comprehensive platform, they’ll refer you to companies that offerServiceNow implementation services.

#3 Choose Your Champions

Your software or platform implementation/transition plan would include the training of each concerned staff that will be using the new software/platform. However, one great way you can facilitate the transition is keeping an eye of for staff who excel during the training — staff who can appreciate fully and handle the new software/platform. These “champions” can help encourage and advocate the new platform and show their fellow employees how beneficial it is, and how it can make their job easier.

#4 Communication is Key

Lastly, communication is paramount during every type of transition in a company. You’ll want to consider having point-persons and focal staff whom employees and managers can talk to in case they encounter any issues with the new platform or program and help identify the need for additional changes, modifications, or even training.

Bottom Line

Transitioning to better business software and platform can be as rewarding and beneficial as it can be difficult. Still, with these tips, you’ll be able to make the transition smoother and less stressful for everyone.

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