Why Are Your Customers Abandoning Their Shopping Carts?

Surprise, surprise! People are interested in buying your products. In fact, they even go so far as put those products in their shopping carts. The problem isn’t your products. It’s that moment when the customers are about to check out the items. For some reason, they back out and leave your site without buying any of the items in their carts. What could be the reason for this high cart abandonment rate? And yes, this is hurting your business big-time. You don’t need to ask the question.

There are many reasons people abandon their shopping carts. Some are wary about cybersecurity in London or other cities. They decide to leave the carts when they don’t see the security seals on your website. Some are discouraged by the high taxes and shipping rates. You should do something about those courier fees.

Unexpected Fees

The main reason customers back out of buying your products is the unexpected charges. Make sure that they know that they’ll only get the free shipping option if their orders reach a certain amount. Try to look for a courier that won’t charge as much, too. You might also want to be transparent to your customers about the additional charges. Allow them to calculate the costs of shipping before you ask them to check out the items.

Long Registration Process

Your customers don’t have all the time in the world to fill out a registration form. Make this as short a process as possible. If you cannot allow them to check out the items as a guest client (which you should, by the way), the least you can do is to minimize the number of fields they have to fill out. Make the registration process easy and convenient, and allow them to proceed with the checkout immediately.

Website Errors

Can you imagine how your customers will feel if they have to add the items to their shopping carts again after the website crashes? One in every five customers abandons a shopping cart because the website crashes. You cannot expect people to go through the whole process of finding the items again after your website has crashed. They’ll go looking for these same items from other websites.

Payment Options

woman getting credit card from walletThere are different opinions on your choice of payment options. Some say to offer only a handful of payment platforms because more payment options confuse the customers. But if you are the customer, don’t you want to have a lot of options when paying for an item? Customers don’t always pay with the same method. Sometimes, they want to pay with their credit cards. Other times, they want to pay with PayPal or their debit cards.

Security of the Site

About 19% of customers abandon their shopping carts when they feel insecure about leaving their financial information on the website. You should add trust seals on the checkout page so that your customers know that you’ve taken the necessary steps to ensure the security of their personal information.

It is not always easy to pinpoint the exact reason your customers are abandoning their carts. Hopefully, you can start addressing these issues and see whether some of those who have abandoned their carts will come back. Come up with a plan to retarget them, too, so that they know that you’ve changed your policies.

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